
Rocketeers Childcare

Wraparound Childcare Provider for Primary Age Children Throughout West Sussex

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What parents say

Ofsted Report

Heron Way 2024

"There is a strong leadership team in place. They are very knowledgeable and reflective of the setting. Leaders provide continuous training for staff to help them to keep their knowledge relevant and up to date."

"Children are helped to manage their emotions and learn how to behave towards each other. Staff are very attentive to their needs and reassure them, as necessary, to help support their sense of security. This helps children to feel safe and settled."

"Children listen attentively to staff and understand the rules of the club well. They show that they are considerate to each other. For instance, young children help each other to build a track for their pretend cars. Older children discuss whose turn it is when they are playing games."

"Staff listen to children as they talk about their day. They show great enthusiasm to hear about what they have done and praise them for their achievements. Children know the routine well and confidently follow it. For example, they wash their hands on arrival and help themselves to the snacks provided."

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We're proud to have been the headline sponsor for Horsham Children's Parade 2024!

Thanks for your support!

A man is holding a red flag in front of a crowd of people.
A boy is riding a surfboard in a parade.
A group of people are standing around a large red star.
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