At Rocketeers Childcare, we're proud of our commitment to providing outstanding childcare that meets and exceeds the standards set by Ofsted. Our dedication to creating a nurturing, safe, and educational environment for your children is reflected in our Ofsted evaluations.
"There is a strong leadership team in place. They are very knowledgeable and reflective of the setting. Leaders provide continuous training for staff to help them to keep their knowledge relevant and up to date."
"Children are helped to manage their emotions and learn how to behave towards each other. Staff are very attentive to their needs and reassure them, as necessary, to help support their sense of security. This helps children to feel safe and settled."
"Children listen attentively to staff and understand the rules of the club well. They show that they are considerate to each other. For instance, young children help each other to build a track for their pretend cars. Older children discuss whose turn it is when they are playing games."
"Staff listen to children as they talk about their day. They show great enthusiasm to hear about what they have done and praise them for their achievements. Children know the routine well and confidently follow it. For example, they wash their hands on arrival and help themselves to the snacks provided."
"Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. They are excited when they arrive and are keen to join in with the fun activities the staff have planned for them. Children are eager to greet the staff and share with them what they have been doing in school and at home. Children know that staff value their thoughts and opinions. Children are extremely well behaved. Staff have high expectations of them and are excellent role models"
"Children are motivated to take part in well-organised activities. They enjoy playing card games with each other. Children share resources and take turns without being asked to do so. They become engrossed in their chosen activities and benefit from mixing with children of different ages. Children have a very strong understanding of healthy lifestyles."
"Leaders and staff have an inclusive attitude throughout the club. For example, staff maximise opportunities for those children who speak English as an additional language or have special educational needs and/or disabilities. This approach allows all children to have full access to the clubs' activities. Children from other faiths and cultures have their special occasions celebrated in the club. This helps children develop a positive understanding and a meaningful respect of cultures other than their own."
"Staff are committed to keeping children safe. They ensure that children's welfare is prioritised throughout the club. For example, staff operate a system so that children are always accounted for. The club's collection policy ensures that children can only go home with an adult known to them."
Rocketeers Childcare
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